
Oil was first discovered at the Tartan field in December 1974 after which an additional 11 exploratory wells were drilled. The Tartan Platform was installed in June 1979 and commenced production in January 1981.

The Tartan Development Area comprises a number of fields; see link for overall field layout which are tied back to the Tartan A Platform located in Block 15/16, approximately 140km east of the nearest Scottish coastline and in a water depth of approximately 138m.

The fields include Tartan, Highlander, Duart, Petronella and Galley. From the Tartan A platform, the processed oil is exported to the Claymore platform. In addition, a gas export/import pipeline ties into the Frigg Gas Pipeline System.

The platform comprises a steel jacket substructure, founded on an array of 28 driven steel tubular piles, supporting a module support frame (MSF) on which topsides modular packages are mounted. The platform supports accommodation, process facilities, utilities including power generation, wellheads and drilling facilities.

Tartan A lies in the south-eastern area of the Fladen Ground in the central North Sea within the area covered by the Scottish National Marine Plan. It is c. 25km from the Scanner Pockmark Special Areas of Conservation (SAC’s), and c. 35km from the Central Fladen Ground (CFG) Nature Conservation Marine Protected Area (NCMPA).

Repsol Resources UK Limited is preparing to decommission the Tartan Area fields, which includes the following fields.

· Tartan Alpha Platform

· Tartan Subsea (TNT, TS)

· Duart subsea field

It forms part of the overall Tartan Area Decommissioning, which also includes Substructure (Jacket), Highlander, Petronella and Galley subsea fields.

In keeping with our commitment to open and honest communication, we’ve engaged with a wide range of organisations, special interest groups, advisory bodies and other stakeholders with an interest in the future of the Tartan Area fields. This fits with the expectations of the Department for Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy (BEIS), the regulatory authority for decommissioning.

This website is designed to support this engagement and act as a gateway for those seeking information, news and opportunities to help shape the decommissioning programme.