FAQ (Tartan)
What is the current status of the Tartan asset?
The Tartan Platform and associated Tartan subsea fields (TS, Highlander and Petronella) achieved cessation of production (CoP) effective 15th August 2020. The Galley and Duart subsea fields production has suspended and classed as suspension of production (SoP).
Who owns the Tartan area facilities?
Tartan platform and subsea fields (TNT, TS, Highlander and Petronella): 100% Repsol Oil Trading Limited
Galley subsea field: 67.416% Repsol Oil Trading Limited, 15.168% JX Nippon Exploration & Production (UK) Limited, 17.416% Rockrose UKCS4 Limited
Duart subsea field: 50% Repsol Resources UK Limited, 50% Neo Energy
Where exactly is the Tartan platform?
Tartan A Platform is located in Block 15/16, approximately 140km east of the nearest Scottish coastline and in a water depth of approximately 138m.
What is the history of Tartan?
Oil was first discovered at the Tartan field in December 1974 after which an additional 11 exploratory wells were drilled. The Tartan Platform was installed in June 1979 and commenced production in January 1981.
What are the production capabilities?
The process facilities were originally designed to process 75,000 bbl/d of crude oil, 85,000 bbl/d of water, 14,500 bbl/d of NGL and 60 mmscf/d of gas with additional facilities installed in 1986 to process 15,000 bbl/d of sour crude.